

  • Aconite
    Extremely poisonous plant (hence its other name of wolfsbane). It is also called monkshood because the shape of the flowers somewhat resembles a monk's cowl.

    Acromantula venom
    Almost impossible to collect from a living Acromantula, the venom dries out not long after an Acromantula's death, so the venom may fetch as much as 100 Galleons a pint

    Armadillo Bile
    Used in Wit-Sharpening Potion.

    Ashwinder eggs, Frozen
    Quite valuable, as they can serve as ingredients in love potions or may be eaten whole as a cure for ague. These uses are quite appropriate as Ashwinder eggs are so flammable that they will ignite a dwelling within minutes if they are not frozen as soon as possible

    Powdered root of asphodel is used in the Draught of Living Death. This plant is traditionally associated with the afterlife and the underworld.


  • Belladonna
    Essence of this poisonous plant is part of a student's standard potion-making kit.

    A shriveled, kidneylike "stone" that comes from the stomach of a goat, protects from most poisons.

    Bicorn parts
    Powdered horn used in Polyjuice Potion.

    Billywig parts
    Dried stings

    Boil Cure Potion
    Ingredients: dried nettles, crushed snake fangs, stewed horned slugs, porcupine quills (added after taking the cauldron off the fire)
    Description: Simple potion to cure boils.

    Boomslang parts
    Shredded boomslang skin is used in Polyjuice Potion.

    The pus of a bubotuber, properly processed, is useful in treating acne. The pus of a bubotuber is yellowish and smells of petrol, the pimple-curing properties of bubotuber pus were discovered by Sacharissa Tugwood.

    Bundimun secretion
    Diluted, this is used in some magical cleaning solutions.


  • Caterpillars
    Sliced caterpillars are used in Shrinking Solution.

    In Britain these are also referred to as "black beetles".

    Confusing & Befuddlement Draught
    Ingredients: sneezewort, scurvy-grass, and lovage
    Description: Causes confusion.

    Crocodile parts
    Used in some potions.


  • Daisy
    Chopped daisy roots are used in Shrinking Solution

    Doxy eggs
    Black in colour

    Dragon eggs
    Dragon eggs are Class A Non-Tradeable Goods. Antipodean Opaleye dragon eggs, which are pale grey, may be mistaken for fossils by unwary Muggles. Chinese Fireball dragon eggs, powdered, uses of which were discovered by Quong Po.

    Dragon parts
    hide, blood, heart, liver, horn, claws. Powdered, the horn of the Romanian Longhorn dragon is highly valued as a potion ingredient.


  • An Elixir to Induce Euphoria
    Ingredients: includes a sprig of peppermint
    Description: Induces euphoria in the drinker, with occasional side effects of excessive singing and nose-tweaking (the peppermint would tend to counterbalance that effect)

    Exploding Fluid
    Ingredients: includes Erumpent fluid
    Description: Explodes


  • Fluxweed
    Isanthus brachiatus, a member of the mint family also known as "false pennyroyal" (pennyroyal being another member of the mint family). Fluxweed is native to the eastern United States and is a threatened or endangered species in several areas. When picked at full moon, this plant is used in Polyjuice Potion


  • Ginger
    Cut ginger roots are used in Wit-Sharpening Potion.

    Graphorn parts
    Powdered horn is used as a potion ingredient.


  • Hellebore
    There are several kinds of hellebore. Hellebore is poisonous. It is one of the ingredients of Draught of Peace.

    Horned slugs
    Used in boil-cure potion.

    Horned Toads
    Used for potions.


  • Jobberknoll parts
    Jobberknoll feathers are used in Memory Potions and Truth Serums.


  • Knotgrass
    Used in Polyjuice Potion. 


  • Lacewing Flies
    Used in Polyjuice Potion.

    Leeches are used in Polyjuice Potion, apparently whole. Leech juice is used in Shrinking Solution

    Lionfish parts
    Spine of lionfish is part of a student's standard potion-making kit

    Living Death, Draught of
    Ingredients: asphodel in an infusion of wormwood; valerian roots, sopophorous bean
    Description: Causes someone to fall into a deep sleep.

    Levisticum officinale, a culinary and medicinal herb in the carrot family that is native to southern Europe but which has been introduced to North America, used in some potions that affect the mind.

    Love Potion
    Ingredients: may include frozen Ashwinder eggs
    Description: Does not really causes the person who drinks it to fall in love with someone, as it is impossible to manufacture or imitate love. A love potion simply causes the drinker to develop a powerful infatuation or obsession with the target.


  • Mandrake Draught
    Ingredients: include Mandrake
    Description: This powerful antidote will revive people who have been Petrified.

    Memory Potions
    Ingredients: include Jobberknoll feathers
    Description: Enhances the drinker's memory.

    Used in various potions (including the Draught of Peace), sometimes in powdered form. Moonstone is found in a variety of colors. Its supposed magical effects include helping a person gain emotional balance.


  • Nettles
    Used in boil-cure potion. Also gathered in Queerditch Marsh for nettle tea.


  • Peace, Draught of
    Ingredients: includes powdered moonstone and syrup of hellebore
    Description: calms anxiety and soothes agitation

    Polyjuice Potion
    Ingredients: lacewing flies stewed 21 days, leeches, powdered, bicorn horn, knotgrass, fluxweed picked at full moon, shredded boomslang skin, and a bit of who one wants to turn into.
    Description: Transforms a person to look exactly like someone else. One dose lasts for one hour, but doses can be renewed, apparently indefinitely.

    The juice is used in Strengthening Solution, used in other potions too.

    Porcupine parts
    The quills are used in boil-cure potion.

    Puffer-fish parts
    The eyes are used in Swelling Solution.


  • Rat Parts
    A rat spleen - not more than one - is used in Shrinking Solution. Rat tails are used in hair-raising potion.


  • Salamander Parts
    Salamander blood is used in Strengthening Potion.

    Scarab Beetles
    Crushed, these are used in Wit-Sharpening Potion.

    Any of one of several sea-coast plants with four-petalled cross-shaped white flowers, at one time eaten by sailors to prevent scurvy.

    Shrinking Solution / Shrinking Potion
    Ingredients: chopped daisy roots, skinned shrivelfig, sliced caterpillar, one rat spleen, dash of leech juice
    Description: Makes things shrink in size, apparently reversing the aging process as well

    Snake parts
    Snake fangs are used in boil-cure potion.

    A kind of yarrow, the powdered leaves of which are said to cause sneezing.

    deep sleep or sleeping potion, used in Draught of Living Death.

    Used in various potions.

    Strengthening Solution
    Ingredients: salamander blood, possibly pomegranate juice at some stage
    Description: Increases the user's strength

    Swelling Solution
    Ingredients: puffer-fish eyes
    Description: Causes something to get bigger.


  • Truth Potion/Serum
    Ingredients: can include Jobberknoll feathers (FB)
    Description: Forces a person to tell the truth.

    Potion Ingredient.


  • Unicorn Parts
    Blood, Silvery-blue in colour when seen by moonlight, may glow in the dark faintly. Horn, silver unicorn horns are sold at the apothecary's in Diagon Alley. Tail hair is also used in potions.


  • Valerian
    Roots used in Draught of Living Death.


  • Wit-Sharpening Potion
    Ingredients: ground scarab beetle, cut up ginger root, armadillo bile
    Description: Makes a person think more clearly

    Also called aconite and monkshood.

    Used in Draught of Living Death.