Philosofal stone

    Elixir of life, who drinks it prolongs its  life.In this tale Harry Potter and his friends discover a  very valuable treasure that can make Voldemort back to life, as his helper and to everyone's amazement was Professor Quirrell , that  was stutterer.
     At the end of everything Harry saves the stone blocking Voldemort to destroy the  magic world, but a horrible summer was waiting for him at Privet Drive.

Elixir da vida, quem o beber prolonga a vida. neste conto Harry Potter e os seus amigos discobrem um tesouro valioso que pode fazer Voldemort regressar á vida, e o sue ajudante para espanto de todos era o Professor Quirrel, que era gago.
   No fim de tudo Harry salva a pedra impedindo Voldemort de destruir o mundo mágico. Mas um horrivél Verão esperáva-o em Privet Drive.

Stay here with the Philosofal Stone Trailer.
Fiquem aqui com o Trailer da Pedra Filosofal

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